Who we are?
Onecommunity association, made up of riverside dwellers, fishermen, students, all residents of the municipalities of Porto de Pedras and São Miguel dos Milagres, on the north coast of Alagoas. We currently have 53 associates, of which 20 are conductors of the Manatee Sanctuary Tour, 23 are rowers, in addition to artisans and collaborating partners, all born and raised in the region. Meet our Board of Directors:
Jefferson José, Paulo Bandeira, Josiel José, José Henrique and José Ismar: They are fiscal councilors of the Association. Portopedrenses and riverside dwellers. They act as rowers in manatee observation tourism. Millena Melo: Association receptionist. Portopedrense. He is an office assistant and student.

What is our great mission?
To exercise in a community and organized way theobservation tourismof the marine manatee, contemplating the mangrove ecosystems and coral reefs.
We seek to provide, in addition to pleasant raft rides, aecological awarenessthrough environmental awareness, both to tourists and the local community.

What is the vision that guides our path?
To be recognized by society as a civil organization ofreference in ecological tourism activitycommunity-based, supporting nature conservation and developing environmental education.

Community Based Tourism
THEManatee Associationperforms activities and services involving the community in serving visitors. The community members of Porto de Pedras and São Miguel dos Milagres, on the north coast of Alagoas, in an associative and solidary way, organize the tour tomanatee observationon the Tatuamunha River, ecological-cultural tours along the Alagoas Ecological Route (a region that includes the municipalities of Passo de Camaragibe, São Miguel dos Milagres and Porto de Pedras).
They also promote handicrafts produced in the association itself or by local partners, such as: manatee plush toys, soaps, t-shirts, slippers and various souvenirs. These actions aim todiversification of the local economyand income generation for socially vulnerable families. It encourages the appreciation of local culture and traditional activities in line with the conservation of the region's rich biodiversity.

observation of
In order to observe manatees in the Tatuamunha River, without preventing them from fulfilling their biological role (interaction with other individuals of the same species, reproduction, feeding, resting), it is necessary to respect some rules.
To avoid an excessive number of operators, ICMBio only allows the tour to be carried out by qualified and accredited drivers every 2 years. All conductors, rowers and artisans involved with the activity are united through the Peixe-Boi Association.
Let's look at some rules:
•Open all days, scheduling by phone or email is required;
• Youraft rideson the tatuamunha river are restricted to the hours of 10 am to 5 pm. The tour lasts 1h30m (last boarding must start at 15:30h to finish on time);
• Not allowedfoodnor any form of public interaction with the animal, just observation.
• 10 tours a day, totaling 70 visitors/day with 20 accredited drivers, rotating (every other day).

Tour Features
Contemplation of the Tatuamunha river and mangrove, with its local flora and fauna, especially the manatee. The visitor is accompanied by alicensed driverthroughout the tour. start with alittle walkthrough the village until you reach the narrow bridge over the river and mangroves (15min).
Afterbridge crossing, where you can already contemplate the beauty and richness of the local biodiversity (+15min), board a simple raft, driven with poles by 2 rowers. It is followed by a quiet walk with a few stops on the river bed or on the banks of the river, in addition to a stop to observe the manatee re-adaptation enclosure and, with luck, to contemplate the free animals that can be found along the way ( +1 hour).
Duration:about 1h30min.
Difficulty level: low/medium (be careful when crossing the wooden bridge as it is narrow and rustic).
Restrictions:Before the trail, please check the Manatee Zone's specific rules in the APA Costa dos Corais Management Plan, available at the Association's reception.
Tips:if you are afraid to balance on the bridge, go hand in hand; on the raft, wear a life jacket. And photograph everything, your tour will be unforgettable!